Terms of Service

Last Updated: 02/01/24

This Terms of Service is entered into between the Service Provider, Mates and Mentors, and the Participant/Nominated Representative, collectively referred to as the "Parties."

Responsibilities of the Service Provider:

The Service Provider agrees to provide support and care to the Participant in their home setting and engage in community, social, and recreational activities in accordance with the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. The Provider shall:

  1. Engage in client liaison through emails, phone calls, meetings, etc.

  2. Communicate openly, honestly, and in a timely manner.

  3. Treat the Participant, nominated representative, and stakeholders with courtesy and respect.

  4. Listen to participant/nominated representative feedback and promptly resolve any issues.

  5. Protect and respect the participant/nominated representative's privacy and confidential information.

  6. Mandatorily report incidents to relevant stakeholders and services.

In addition to direct service provision, the Provider can claim for:

  • Non-Face-to-Face Support Provision (15 mins per shift) for administration duties.

  • Provider Travel at $1.00 per kilometer with the participant in the vehicle.

  • Provider Travel - Labour Costs using the support item 04_799_0125_6_1 for travel exceeding half an hour.

  • Short Notice Cancellations – Provider may claim 100% of the fee for supports with less than seven (7) clear days' notice.

The Participant/Nominated Representative shall:

  1. Raise and discuss any concerns of support with the service provider.

  2. Communicate respectfully with service provider representatives.

  3. Advise the service provider promptly of any changes to the participant’s NDIS plan.


Invoices will be submitted through the applicable portal or emailed directly to the nominated Plan Manager or appointed self-managed personnel. The Support Coordinator and decision maker will be copied into email correspondence.

Ending this Service Agreement:

Either party may cease services by providing two weeks' written notice. Consultation regarding reasons for cessation should occur during this process.

Feedback, Complaints and Disputes:

If dissatisfied, the Participant/Nominated Representative may contact the Service Provider Mates and Mentors at 0421 731 510 or via email admin@matesandmentors.com.au. Alternatively, contact your Support Coordinator or the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission at 1800 035 544.

Informed Consent and Information Sharing:

I give permission for Mates and Mentors to share relevant information and take my photos, videos, digital feedback, and testimonies for the following purposes:

  • To approved third-party representatives.

  • Support Records.

  • Development of personalised support materials.

  • Visual Communication - Internal and external parties.

  • Website and Social Media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

  • In emergency situations, photos and videos may be shared with emergency services.